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 1)Primary tests:
A)    Physical state

Crystal (or) Amorphous


B)    Colour
May be copper
May be nickel
May be manganese
pale Green
May be ferrous
colour less
Not the above salts
A pinch of the salt is shaken with
i)Cold water , hot water
ii) Dil. HCl, hot Dil. HCl
iii) Con. HCl, hot Con. HCl
iv) Dil. HNO3, hot Dil. HNO3

The mixture is soluble in ----- 

3)Action of Heat:
A pinch of salt is heated  in a dry test tube first slowly and then strongly
Yellow when hot and  white when cold
May be Zink

White sublimation and a                    gas with ammonia smell
May be Ammonium Salts 
 Reddish brown gas
May be Nitrate
Colorless gas turning lime water milky
May be Carbonate

 Loss of crystallization
None of the above
4)Flame test
The salt is made into a paste by mixing with 1 or 2 drops Conc. HCl. A small amount of the paste is introduced into the flame using a charred splinter and the colour of the flame is observed.
Bluish green (or) Blue
May be Copper
Bright green
May be Borate
Apple green
May be Barium
Brick Red
May be Calcium
Bluish white
May be lead
Green flashes                     
May be Zinc
1)Action of dil. HCl:
 A small amount of salt is treated with dil. HCl.

 Brisk effervescence and the gas turns lime water into milky
May be Carbonate

 A gas with rotten egg smell turning lead acetate paper black
 May be Sulphide

Gas with burning sulphur smell – turns acidified K2Cr2O7 green 
 May be Sulphite
2)Action of conc. H2SO4 :
A little of the substance is heated with Conc. H2SO4. 

Colorless, irritating gas giving dense white fumes with NH4OH 
Presence of Chloride  

Immediate reddish brown gas fumes turns yellow with NH4OH 
Presence of Bromide  

Violet vapors 
Presence of Iodide  
 Oily drops are formed. The test tube acquires a greasy appearance. A colorless gas forming a white film on a wet glass rod introduced is evolved.
 Presence of Fluoride 

3)Action of conc. H2SO4+ Cu :
A little of the salt is heated with a bit of copper turning & con.H2SO4
Reddish brown gas is formed. Solution becomes green/ blue.

Presence of Nitrate
4)Action of BaCl2:
 A pinch of salt is treated with BaCl2 solution 
A White precipitate is formed
Presence of  Sulphate

5)Oxalic Acid test:
A pinch of the salt is mixed with oxalic acid and rubbed with a drop of water
Smell of vinegar is observed
Presence of  Acetate

6)Ethyl Borate test:
A pinch of the salt is mixed with 3 drops of ethyl alcohol and 1 or 2 drops of con. H2SO4. The solution is heated  and the TT edge is brought near the Bunsen flame
Green edge flame is observed
Presence of  Borate

7)Ammonium Molybdate Test:
A little of the salt is dissolved completely in conc. HNO3, cooled. Then, added  a few drops of ammonium molybdate solution
 Yellow precipitate in cold or on slight warming

Presence of  Phosphate

Preparation of Na2CO3 extract:
 About 0.5 g of the salt is mixed with thrice its amount of Na2CO3 and 10 ml of distilled water. The solution is then boiled well for about 10 minutes and filtered. The filtrate is known as “Na2CO3 extract”

1)Action with AgNO3:
A little of the extract is acidified with dil. HNO3 till effervescence stops. Then AgNO3 is added 

(a) A curdy white precipitate which is soluble in NH4OH
Chloride confirmed

(b) A pale yellow precipitate which is partly soluble in NH4OH
Bromide confirmed 

Iodide confirmed
 (c) A yellow precipitate insoluble in NH4OH

2)Action of BaCl2:
A little of the extract is acidified with dil. HCl. Then BaCl2 is added.
A white precipitate insoluble in conc. HCl
Sulphate confirmed.
3)Brown ring Test:
 A little of the extract is acidified with dil. H2SO4 and mixed with freshly prepared FeSO4 solution. To this mixture, conc. H2SO4 is added along the sides of the test tube without shaking.
Brown ring is formed when two solutions are in contact each other.
Nitrate confirmed.
4)Action with Neutral FeCl3:
A little of the extract is acidified with dil. H2SO4 and Neutral FeCl3 (ferric chloride) is added.
Red colour solution (or) Brown precipitate is formed.
Acetate confirmed.
5)Action with magnesium mixture:
A little of the extract is acidified with dil. H2SO4 and magnesia mixture is added.
White precipitate is formed.

Phosphate is confirmed.
6)BF3 (boran trifloride) Test:
A pinch of salt is mixed with equal bulk of CaF2, made a paste with 1 or 2 drops of con. H2SO4 and the paste is brought near to the Bunsen flame.
Green edged flame is observed.
Borate is confirmed.
                                         IDENTIFICATION OF AMMONIUM CATION :
Action with NaOH:
The salt is heated with few drop of  NaOH.
Ammonia gas is given out with pungent smell and the gas gave dense white fumes with con. HCl.
May be ammonium ion.
Action with Nesslers Reagent:
The salt is dissolved in water and excess of Nessler’s reagent is added and then few drop of NaOH.
Brown precipitate is formed.
Ammonium ion is confirmed.
6N HCl solution is added to the original solution in slight excess, shaken well to complete the precipitation and centrifuged.

 Group-I Cations present


Centrifugate (solution) is diluted, the acidity is maintained and H2S gas is slowly passed and the mixture is centrifuged.
Group-II Cations present

Centrifugate (solution) is boiled to expel H2S completely.  3, 4 drops of con. HNO3 is added to oxidize any ferrous to ferric state. 0.2gr. NH4Cl and NH4OH solution are added to get the smell of ammonia even after shaking and then centrifuged.
Group-III Cations present
Cr(OH)3-Green                            blue

Centrifugate (solution) is treated with H2S in excess and centrifuged.

Group-IV Cations present
ZnS-Ash /White
Centrifugate (solution) is boiled to expel the H2S gas and the volume of solution is reduced to 1/3rd by boiling, then cooled
Dil.HCl+NH4OH+(NH4)2CO3  are added and centrifuged.
 Group-V Cat ions present
BaCO3-white SrCO3-white

Centrifugate(solution) is used to test Group-VI Cat ions.

The residue is washed with dil. HCl and then boiled with few drops of water and centrifuged immediately
Residue is treated with few drops of NH4OH solution and centrifuged.
Centrifugate is divided into two parts

1st part- 2 drops ammonium acetate and 1 drop potassium chromate are added to the solution –yellow precipitate – lead ion(Pb+2) is present.

2nd part- few drops of KI is added, yellow precipitate is formed. When boiled-the precipitate is dissolved  and reappeared as golden spangles on cooling –lead(Pb+2) is conformed
Residue is black in colour- Mercury(Hg+) is present
Centrifugate is treated with few drops of HNO3 Solution , white precipitate reappeared-
Silver(Ag+) is Present
The 2nd group residue is boiled with HNO3 and dil. H2SO4 then centrifuged.
 the Residue is black in coilour mercury is present
white in colour  Lead(Pb+2) is present
5drops saturated ammonium acetate and potassium cromate is added this residue  -yellow precipitate is formed-
Lead(Pb+2) is conformed

Centrifugate: - the solution is boiled after adding excess of NH4OH and centrifuged.                                                                
Residue:- white precipitate- bismuth is present
This residue is dissolved in dil KI solution and water is added drop by drop –white turbidity is formed-
Bismath(Bi+3) is conformed.
Centrifugate:- the solution is divided into two parts
1st part:- acetic acid and potassium Ferro cyanide solution are added-chocolate brown precipitate is formed-cupper (Cu+2) is conformed

2nd part:- H2S gas passed through this solution –yellow precipitate formed-Cadmium (Cd+2)is conformed

The 3rd group residue boiled with 1 gm of Na2O2 (5 drops NaOH solution + 5 drops 30% H2O2)  and centrifuged
Residue : the residue may contain Fe+3 or Mn+2, the residue divided into two parts
Centrifugate:- the solution may contain Cr or Al  the solution divided into two parts
1st part:- the residue is dissolved in 3ml of HNO3, boiled with 50mg sodium bismathate then cooled –pink colour solution appeared-
Manganese (Mn+2) in conformed
2nd part:- the residue is dissolved in 4drops HCl and few drops of potassium ferro cyanide is added –blue colour solution is formed-
Ferric ion (Fe+3) is conformed
1st part:- 3drops acetic acid and 4drops led acetate is added- yellow precipitate is formed-
chromium (Cr+3) is conformed
2nd part:- HCl solution is added and made alkali with excess NH4OH –white precipitate is formed-Alluminium(Al+3) is present
This precipitate is dissolved in dil HCl , con NH3,0.5ml ammonium carbonate and 4drops alluminan reagent are added and weifht for few minits-red precipitate is formed-
Al+3 is conformed

The residue is dissolved in dil. HCl and centrifuged
Residue: Residue is black in colour-Ni or Co is present
This residue is taken in to porcelain dish con. HCl + con. HNO3 (3:1) is added and slowly evaporated to dryness –yellow precipitate is observes-Nickel(Ni+2) is present

Conformation: The residue is made alkaline with NH4OH and few drops of dimethyl glyoxime are added-Red colour precipitate appeared-
Ni+2 is conformed

Centrifugate: the solution is boiled to expel H2S gas completely; excess of NaOH solution is added and centrifuged.
Residue: the residue brown in colour-Manganese is present

Conformation: the residue is dissolved in con. HNO3 a pinch of sodium bismathate is added , boiled and diluted with water.-brown/pink solution is appeared-Manganese(Mn+2) is conformed
Centrifugate: H2S gas passed through this solution –white precipitate appeared-Zinc(Zn+2) is present

Conformation: this precipitate is dissolved in con. HNO3 and then treated with cobalt nitrate. A filter paper dipped in this solution is burnt it- green ash is formed-
Zinc is confirmed

The residue is  dissolved in hot dilute acetic acid and add K2CrO4 then centrifuged
Residue: The residue is yellow in colour it is barium
This residue is used for flame test –apple green flame is observed –Barium (Ba+2) is present
Solution: To this solution add 2 ml of saturated ammonium sulphate solution and boiled it then centrifuged.
Residue : The residue is white in colour - Stransium (Sr+2) is present
This residue is used for flame test -Red flame is observed –
Stransium (Sr+2) is present
Solution : to this solution excess of ammonium oxalate is  added and boiled in hot water bath-white precipitate is formed - This residue is used for flame test –Brick Red flame is observed –
Calcium(Ca+2) is present
                                       ANALYSIS OF GROUP-VI CATIONS
The solution is divided into two parts
Potassium ion test: to the 1st part of the solution saturated tartaric acid is added and the sides are scratched with glass rod. White precipitate is formed – K+ is present

Potassium conformation test: to the 2nd part picric acid is added, yellow precipitate is formed.-  K+ is conformed



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