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I. Preliminary examinations:
1)      Physical state


Carbohydrates, Aromatic carboxylic acids
Low m.wt. Aldehydes, phenols, acids etc.
2)      Colour
Phenol (Or) Amines
Colour less
Aldehydes, Ketones, Carbohydrates, Acids etc.
3)      Odour
Fishy odour
Phenolic odour
Almond smell
Aromatic aldehydes
Sweet smell
Strong smell

Low m.wt. aldehydes, carboxylic acids
4)      Action of heat:
The given organic compound is taken in a test tube and heated

Charring taking place
Ammonia smell  is evolved


5)      Ignition test:
Place of the compound in a nickel spatula and heat it gently
Burnt with sooty flame
Aromatic compound
Burnt with non-sooty flame
Aliphatic compound
Compound melts then chars and levels a black residue on the spatula.
6)      Solubility
1)      In cold water

Aromatic compounds
Aliphatic compounds
2)      In hot water

Soluble and regenerated on cooling
Aromatic carboxylic acids/acids/phenols etc.
3)      In dil. HCl

Soluble and regenerated by adding NaOH.
Amine is present

Soluble but not regenerated by adding NaOH.
Amines is absent

4)      In NaOH
Soluble and regenerated by adding HCl.
Acids/phenols are present

Soluble but nor regenerated by adding HCl.
Acids/phenols are absent
Preparation of sodium fusion extract: Take a piece of Na metal, pressed between the folds of the filter paper. Na piece is taken in ignition tube and heated strongly. The bottom of the tube becomes red hot; a few drops or a pinch of organic compound is added to the fusion tube. Then the tube is heated till the bottom of the fusion tube becomes red hot plunge the test tube while it is still hot in a mortar containing 5ml of distilled water and grinds the shattered FT with a pestle and filter in to a clean TT using a fluted filter paper and funnel. The solution should be clear and colorless if not repeat the fusion test. The filtrate is known as sodium fusion extract, which is to be used for detection of extra Nitrogen.
Test for Nitrogen: Take about 1ml of sodium fusion extract in a test tube and add a pinch of ferrous sulphate. Heat the mixture gently until it boils. Cool for 2sec. and add 1-2 drops of con. HCl down side of the TT and shake it.

Prussian blue or bluish green ppt. or solution is formed.

Prussian blue or bluish green ppt. or solution is not formed.

Nitrogen is present

Nitrogen is absent
Test for carbonyl group:
Borshe’s (2,4-DNP)test:- To a small, amount of organic compound is taken in a TT , add few drops of Borshe’s reagent(2,4-DNP) and dilute with water

A crystalline yellow or orange ppt

Indicates presence of carbonyl (aldehyde/ketone) group.
Test for Carbohydrate:
Molish test:-Dissolve small amount of compound in water add 3 drops of 1or α-napthal. Then add carefully con. H2SO4 down side of the TT

A deep violet colouration at the junction of two rings

It indicates the presence of carbohydrates
Test for carboxylic acids:
NaHCO3 Test:-Place a pinch or 2drops of compound in a TT and add 1ml of NaHCO3 solution

Evolutions of CO2 with Effervescence

Indicates the presentce of carboxylic acid
Test for Phenol:
Neutral FeCl3 Test:-Dissolve the given compound in alcohol and add few drops of Neutral FeCl3 solution

Violet or bluish green colour solution or ppt. is observed (2-naphthol don’t give any colour)

Indicates the phenolic group
Test for amines:
Azodye Test:-Dissolve the given compound in a dil. HCl and cool in ice
2nd test tube dissolve NaNO2 in water and cool it in ice
3rd test tube dissolves 2(or) β-naphthol in NaOH Solution and cools it in Ice.
A,B solutions are mixed fist then add C solution

Formation of orange red dye
Presence of primary amines
Test for Acid amides:
NaOH test or NH3 evolution test:-Take the compound in TT and add NaOH solution , heat the tube gently on wire guaze and smell of the gas evolved

NH3 gas is liberated. Formation of white dense fumes with Con. HCl.

Presence of amides
Test for alcohol:
Na Metal test:-Take the  compound in TT and add small piece of  sodium metal

Evolution of H2 gas is observed

Presence of alcohol.
Conformation test for Carbonyl Group:
 Tollens test: Take a organic compound in test tube and add small amount of tollens reagent and warm on hot water bath
Formation of silver mirror

If no silver mirror is formed
Aldehyde is conformed

Ketone is conformed
Fehling test: To the aqueous solution of organic compound Fehling’s A &B in added equal proportions and heat gently on hot water bath
A red ppt. is formed

No red ppt.
Aldehyde is conformed

Ketone is conformed
Conformation Test for Carbohydrate:
 Test with con. H2SO4: Take  organic compound in dry TT and add Con. H2SO4 drop by drop by cooling.

The solution turns black

Conforms the presence of carbohydrate
Fehling’s test: To the aqueous solution of organic compound Fehling’s A &B is added in equal proportions and heat gently on hot water bath

A red ppt. of CuO2 formed

Conforms the presence of carbohydrate.
Tollen’s test: To a small amount of compound freshly prepared tollen’s reagent is added and heated on hot water bath.
Formation of silver mirror on walls of the test tube
Conforms the presence of carbohydrate.
Conformation Test for carboxylic acids:
Phenolphthalein test:
One drop of phenolphthalein dissolved in NaOH solution
To given organic compound add the above solution.

Light pink colour solution is formed
Pink colour disappear

Conforms the presence of carboxylic acid

Ester formation test:
Warm few drops or pinch of compound with 1ml of ethyl alcohol and 2drops of con. H2SO4 and pour cautiously into aq. Na2CO3 solution in a small beaker and smell

A pleasant smell of easter is observed
It conforms the presence of carboxylic acid.
Conformation Test for Phenol:
Azo-Dye Test: Dissolve 3drops of aniline in dil. HCl and cool it in ice.
2nd test tube dissolve NaNO2 in water and cool it in ice
3rd test tube dissolves given organic compound in NaOH Solution and cools it in Ice.
A,B solutions are mixed fist then add C solution
Formation of orange red dye

It conforms the presence of phenol.
Reaction with Bromine water: To the  Phenolic compound add excess of Bromine water

A white or yellowish white ppt. is formed.

It conforms the presence of phenol.
Conformation Test for amines:
Carbyl amine Test: Warm 1drop or pinch of compound with few drops of CHCl3 and alc. KOH solution in a TT and heat it.

A very disagreeable odour of isocyanide.

It conforms the presence of primary amine group
Conformation Test for Acid amides:
Ester formation test:
The given organic compound is warmed with dil. HCl to form carboxylic acid. To this solution few drops of Con. H2SO4 & C2H5OH are added and heated. Pour this solution in to aq. Na2CO3 solution in a small beaker and smell.

A pleasant smell of easter is observed.

It conforms the presentce of amide
Test with NaNO2: To small amount of organic compound dissolved in dil. HCl and also add little amount of solid sodium nitrate (NaNO2).

Evolution of N2 gas is observed.

It conforms the presence of amide
Conformation Test for alcohol:
Test with alkaline iodine solution: The given organic compound is warmed with alkaline iodine solution.

Yellow ppt. is formed.

It conforms the presence of alcohol.
Ester formation test:
The given organic compound is warmed with few drops of Con. H2SO4 & acetic acid and. Pour this solution in to aq. Na2CO3 solution in a small beaker and smell

A pleasant smell of ester is observed.

It conforms the presence of alcohol.

1.      Derivatives of Carbonyls:
Phenyl Hydrazone Derivative: Dissolve the organic compound in 1ml of Alcohol and add equal volume of liquid Phenyl Hydrazine heat the contents of TT on water bath for 5mints. Cool the solution, white Phenyl Hydrazone separated out.

2.      Derivatives of Carbohydrates:
Osazone Derivative: The given organic compound dissolved in water adds 1.5gr of Phenyl Hydrazine Hydro Chloride and Sodium Acetate mix well and place in hot water bath for 5mnts. Cool the reaction mixture, Osazone derivative separated out.

3.      Derivatives of Carboxylic Acids:
 Amide Derivative: Place given organic compound in a dry TT and add Thionyl Chloride heat the contents on a hot water bath for 17mnts. To form Acid Chloride solution.
Take 1ml of ice cold Acid Chloride solution in a dry boiling tube, add Aniline drop by drop with cooling stir well the contents and pour into ice water Benzoyl Derivative separated out as a solid.

4.      Derivatives of Phenols :
Benzoyl derivative: Dissolve given phenol & 5% NaOH solution in a boiling tube add 2ml of Benzoyl chloride, cork the tube and shake vigorously, the contents are poured in to ice water Benzoyl derivative separated out as white solid.
5.      Derivatives of Amines:
N-Acetyl Derivative: Take 1ml of the organic compound in a clean dry test tube and add 1ml of glacial Acetic acid and 2ml of Acetic anhydride, stir with glass road and heat on water bath, cool and pour in to ice water, white precipitate separated out. 
6.      Derivatives of Amides:
 Anilide derivative:Tthe given amide warm with Aniline, cool and pour the contents in to ice water, Anilide separated out.

7.      Derivatives of Alcohols:
 Picrate derivative: The given Alcohol warm with Picric acid, yellow picrate is separated out.
           RESULT: the given organic compound is “--------------------------”


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